Monday, August 27, 2018

How Science Changed My Life

Life Changing Science

When I was young I was put on antidepressants due to the tragic death of my father at age of five. Taking this medicine mixed with the poor eating habits lead to a long and strenuous journey that put me into a even more negative thought loop. What really caught my attention was when I went to a research center on a field trip for school. They were testing to see what portion of the kids were in a healthy shape, and those who fall in the obesity range like myself at the time. I hopped into the egg like compression chamber, I still remember the weird sensation caused by pressure of the chamber on my ears, close to that feeling you get when you go up a mountain or fly in a airplane. I hoped out curious to see what my results were, little did I know what I was about to here would change my life forever. They told me that I was twenty five percent body fat and that if my eating habits didn't change then I would be at risk of becoming a diabetic. This shook me I decided that I needed to get my life together before it was to late. I tried many different workout plans and diets but none of them really seemed to work for me at the time. I always seemed to give up or get tired of eating the same bland grilled chicken with no seasoning. This caused me to give up hope and loose track of my goals many times but as my weight steadily increased it finally came to a point where I was willing to do anything. I was age fifth-teen at the time and I was pushing two hundred and sixty pounds plus. I knew if that I continued onto this path it would only make the switch to a healthy lifestyle that much harder. One day I looked in the mirror and I decided from there on out there would be no more cheat meals, no more skipped days in the gym, and it truly changed my life forever. I researched for hours on end looking up different diets and exercises that would best work for my body type. Eventually after a lot of trial and error I found the diet plan for me. It was a low calorie diet with high protein mixed with a rigorous work out schedule. I worked out seven days a week and over the course of a few months I lost over a hundred pounds. Science really helped me learn how muscles work and how to properly build muscle and maintain a heathy and balanced lifestyle.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bro, this is a super inspiring story. Just keep going hard at your goals like you did when you were 15 and you'll no doubt succeed in life. I'm interested to hear more about your workout schedule. Mad Respect.

  3. Your post is so inspirational. Your drive to stay healthy after being told that is impressive. It shows that you care about your body and you don't want anything bad effecting you and your future. Keep at it and never lose sight of your goal.
    I'm rooting for you!

  4. Wow, that's a serious journey Bryson! Glad you found a healthier, happier way to live.

    Great first post! Just go back and create some paragraphs so it doesn't read as one big chunk of text. Keep up the good effort and thanks for sharing your story with us.
